Toilet Yoga By Universal Mind

Toilet Yoga By Universal Mind
Category: Health & Fitness
Released: Feb 16, 2012
Version: 1.0
Size: 117 MB
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 5.0 or later.
Toilet Yoga - Universal Mind

A move­ment is usu­ally some­thing big­ger than your­self; some­thing you want to be a part of so you can make a dif­fer­ence in the world. In this case, it’s that AND some­thing very personal.

While this move­ment won’t require you to hold hands with your friends, it will offer the oppor­tu­nity to con­nect with oth­ers around the world as you share in the joy of relief and satisfaction.

This move­ment starts with this app and a book. A guide. A way to change how you spend your pre­cious alone time. All we ask for is a sim­ple pledge. Go to our Face­book page right now. Yes, right now. Let us know you want to be part of the move­ment and we’ll wel­come you with open arms.
We can only show you the lid. You’ll have to lift it up and get started. We’ll be here for you — to sup­port you as needed. As the com­mu­nity grows and the move­ment gets stronger, share your sto­ries of suc­cess with us and the com­mu­nity. We can all inspire each other with sto­ries of laugh­ter, relief, joy, and the struggles.

When you’re on the can, or near the can, or think­ing of the can… think of us. When you’re done eat­ing that big meal and you need some alone time, think of us, grab your copy of Toi­let Yoga and get started.

Join The Movement.

Comment: This app is real guide for your health, not see just name of the app.

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